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Not because Purpose Branding itself is wrong. But because it’s wrong to assign „purpose branding“ on every brand. Just like it was wrong to do so with „sustainability“ a few years ago. Purpose branding only works in a man-made and man-centric company. For all the others, it’s just an image facade. And that in turn is already there. It is called image branding.
But what is the difference?
Purpose, which only exists in communication, is rubbish.
Purpose branding is always about the interplay of brand (company), strategy, people and message.
Understanding the long-term interplay of Brand, Strategy and People to create a Purpose-Message.
If Image-Branding is about attitudes, Purpose-Branding is about convictions.
If Image-Branding is about emotional USP’s, Purpose-Branding is about mindful USP’s.But what is the difference?
Unlike in „Image-Brand-Building“ the intangible aspects (values, beliefs,…) are not created „on top“ to functional elements. They are created „at the foundation“ of everything a company does. Purpose-Branding not only creates „meaning“ – it creates „higher meaning“.
The „hype“ around this idea began to take off with Simon Sinek Golden Circle. However: it has been present since brand exist. Not as a methodology but as a fact. The Golden Circle itself is not suitable as a brand-positioning-modell but it is used as a base layer to build a lot of positioning modells.
I myself do not know of any case where everything works perfectly together. But there are some cases that come very close to the ideal. As a rule, these are companies that are still quite small and topics such as culture and brand are personal concerns of the founder.
Sometimes it is due to simple practical mistakes. More often, however, the cause of malfunctions is the fundamental absence of purpose.
We call it bad-case, because very often you can see a little bit of a rude intention. As a rule, you want to make the customer believe something to make the brand more attractive than it is in reality.
We call it bad-case, because very often you can see a little bit of a rude intention. As a rule, you want to make the customer believe something to make the brand more attractive than it is in reality.
And it is not purpose branding.
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